Cik Pya share kat sini ye
One time...
Satu negara dengan angkuhnya mengatakan
mereka new kuasa besar dunia.
Now... the economy become ill.
One time...
They said Everybody can fly.
Now... Everybody doubt to fly.
One time...
Ada segelintir ambil mudah hal umrah.
Now... suddenly Tanah Haram is temporary barred.
One time...
Ada memandang sinis lelaki dan perempuan bukan mahram
bersalam kerana dikatakan kolot.
Now... mostly people afraid to shake hand each other.
One time...
Ada memandang ringan solat Jumaat.
Now... ada negara batalkan solat Jumaat due to potential
exposure on 'religious gathering'.
One time...
Ada memandang sinis si pemakai niqab.
Now... people agitated looking for mask. Covered same part area.
One time...
People bangga up gambar balik dari bercuti oversea.
Now... become skeptical or worstly paranoid.
Takut kena kecam not self kuarantin and become potential
as a silent carrier.
One time...
Some ignore on wudhu for perform solat.
Now... we were advise to wash our hand thoroughly and oftenly.
Allah send unseen little tiny things for us to think..!!
And remember Him...
Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal

0 xoxo:
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